·  Bohemian Treasure Necklace

From "Jewelry Making"
episode DJMK-103


Marilyn Johnson brings a bit of bohemia to beading. She shares her technique for using different kinds of cords, beads and charms to create a necklace that looks straight out of a treasure box!

(For a 16-18" necklace)
2-1/2 - 3 Yards each: satin Cord (main color); twisted Cord (contrasting or complementary color); 1/2" diameter satin cord (another contrasting or complementary color); sheer ribbon in main color
4 yards of satin ribbon: 1/8-1/4" in main color; 1/8"-1/4" in contrasting or complementary color; 2-ply waxed linen in any color desired
Size 8 perle cotton in contrasting or complementary colors
Dental floss threaders
Hypo cement glue
1 pendant or focal bead with large hole or jump ring
20 -30 Assorted Charms
25 3mm beads
25 4mm beads
20 6mm beads
20-25 8mm -10 mm beads
20 Grams "E" beads main color
20 Grams "E" beads contrasting or complementary color
Size 8 seed beads
Size 11 seed beads
Decorative button, or toggle clasp

1.       Assemble all stringing material (see below) into one unit; each piece of thread and cord and string should be even with each other (except waxed linen and pearl cotton, which will be longer than the rest). Fold in half so that you can see the center. String pendant or focal bead, making sure that the loop of pendant or hole in bead is large enough for all stringing material to fit through. If using a pendant, tie an overhand knot over the loop. To tie this knot, simply make a loop near the end of the cord. Bring the end around the cord and through the loop. Pull tight (figure A).

Fig A

2.       If using a bead, tie an overhand knot along each side of the bead (figure B).


Fig B

3.       To create fringe, simply take a piece of the waxed linen or pearl cotton, thread it through a dental floss threader and string on five to eight seed beads (depending upon length of fringe desired), and a charm (figure C). Bring threader back through the last seed bead, working the threader up through all previous beads and tie onto the cords.

4.       For the main necklace, thread on another bead which will lie "flat"; tie another overhand knot on the side of this bead (use whichever strands of thread that will fit through the hole of this bead). Continue/repeat the process to add fringe and beads, knotting after each is added.

5.       To end one side, twist all pieces of stringing material together except for pearl cotton and waxed linen. Wind the pearl cotton and waxed linen (waxed linen is "waxy" enough to aid in securing stringing materials) around the twisted materials until all has been covered; form a loop and use the waxed linen to wrap around the base of the loop. Weave (using the threader or needle already pre-threaded) the waxed linen in and out of the covering tie a knot and wrap and weave in and out again; tie a knot and glue.

6.       On the other side add a decorative button and position it where you want. Tie a knot on either side of the button and start the twisting and wrapping process; twist only far enough to make sure there is room to form a small loop to fit under button forming its base. Glue the ends of the knots for the both the button and the loop ends. Cut left over stringing material after glue has dried.

Bohemian Treasure Necklace Kits
by Marilyn Johnson
E-mail: mjdesignstudio@att.net


Marilyn Johnson
MJ Design Studio
E-mail: mjdesignstudio@att.net



Macrame Necklace


Bohemian Treasure Necklace


Crocheted Bracelet


Jackie Guerra's Friendship Bracelet

Fig C