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Board of Education - Goals

Please Note:  2023-24 District Goals TBD
2022-2023 District Goals

1. Foster a positive relationship between the Board, the Superintendent, and the Tully School Community by: 

a. Communicating regularly with all BOE members through TAG and at BOE meetings, and communicating via e-mail/text/call when emergencies arise. 
b. Communicating regularly with the Tully Community via the Knight Insight, the District website, social media, ParentSquare, BOE meetings and public forums/hearings.
c. Facilitating Board governance of the District through the use of BOE Committees and committee reports during Board of Education meetings. 
d. Developing a common understanding of roles and responsibilities for Board Members and the Superintendent of Schools. 

2. Ensure that all Tully students have access to an aligned and rigorous academic program, focused upon student growth, by: 

a. Using benchmarking assessments, such as AIMSweb, along with regular progress monitoring, to observe students’ academic growth in grades K-8. 
b. Using grade distribution data to identify areas of program strength and improvement 7-12, and to promote a consistent approach to the construction of marking period grades.
c. Create a consistent process, including forms and templates, for PK-6 and 7-12 curriculum maps to ensure congruence with current learning standards and ensure vertical alignment.
d. Participating in the OCM BOCES Leadership Network to ensure Tully ELA, math, science, social studies, world languages, DEI, and computer science curricula is aligned with current NYS learning standards and integrates evidence-supported best practices. 

3. Ensure all Tully students have opportunities to engage in learning beyond the classroom by:

a. Exploring additional opportunities for use of the Maker Lab, and continuing to offer Literacy Club at the elementary level and Community-wide Dialogue at the junior-senior high school level. 
b. Continue to maintain and potentially expand existing partnerships with the Tully Free Library and the Town of Tully Recreation Programs. 
c. Maintaining current athletic mergers/combinations. 
d. Utilizing ESSER funds to provide summer enrichment opportunities for students, specifically exploring the feasibility of a summer literacy maintenance program for at-risk elementary school students and continued participation in the 7th/8th Southern Hills summer school program. 

4. Ensure a safe and healthy school culture for all Tully students by: 

a. Continuing implementation of the Positivity Project and DEI initiatives at all levels.
b. Adding student mental health as a standing agenda item to all District Wellness Committee meetings, and working with the Committee to plan and implement a Wellness Day for students and staff members. 
c. Continuing implementation of TCIS at all levels, and collaboration with Helio Health.
d. Following through on two climate and culture surveys defined by the DEI Committee.
e. Continuing to identify students and families in need of additional social-emotional support. 

5. Cultivate a professional learning community amongst the faculty and staff by:

a. Utilizing Frontline web-based software to promote a more transparent APPR process, focused upon immediate feedback and reflection, for teachers, teaching assistants, administrators, and other professionally certified staff. 
b. Continuing the practice of drafting Superintendent’s Conference Day Agendas six to twelve months in advance, and utilizing participant survey responses to improve professional development offerings and to fine tune the agendas. 
c. Establishing a common set of instructional technology tools to be used PK – 12 and increasing faculty/staff capacity for implementation.
d. Annually updating the Professional Learning Plan to ensure all professional learning activities are timely, relevant and reflective of current needs and trends. 

6. Ensure that District resources are managed effectively and facilities are maintained appropriately to meet the needs of the Tully Community by: 

a. Completing Phase 2 construction on time and within budgeted parameters.
b. Reviewing our purchasing process to ensure proper oversight and to increase efficiency.
c. Establish clearly-defined annual goals and expectations for the Bus Dispatcher, the Assistant Director of Facilities, and the Technology Coordinator.



Rev. June 9, 2022; December 5, 2022; January 4, 2023