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Referral to CSE


Referral Process for Students with possible Special Needs

1. A parent, guardian and/or teacher seeking support services for a student who may need services or accommodations beyond the regular education program should contact the Building Principal or the Director of Student Support Services:


2. With parent permission , the building principal will refer the child to the Student Support Team (SST)/Pupil Support Team (PST) MTSS . The support team will meet and develop a plan to address any areas of concern.


3. During this meeting supports and interventions will be developed and discussed. Additionally staff will determine how to monitor progress of interventions and devise a schedule to review the plan regularly.


4. If the decision is made to refer the child to the Committee on Special Education (CSE) or for accommodations under Section 504, consent will be sent to the parents and the components of a comprehensive evaluation will be explained by the Director of Student Support Services.

  • During the evaluation process, if parents have questions or concerns they should contact the Director of Student Support Services or School Psychologist.

  • The school psychologist and appropriate staff will communicate with parents prior to the committee meeting to share results and recommendations.

At any time during the this process, parents have the right to request a comprehensive  evaluation through the Committee on Special Education..

Such requests should be made in writing and submitted to the special education department. 
 Please see sample evaluation request letter in the download section on the main Special Education Page.