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Update as of 9/6/2023:  2023-2024 CSE/504/CPSE Meetings
 For the 2023-2024 school year to accomodate family/guardian preferences Tully will be asking parents to let us know if they would like to attend meetings in person, by Google Meet, or through a phone in connection
You will receive an invitation with a response form to check the box letting us know how you would like to participate in the meeting. (In-Person, Google Meet, or Phone In)

For CSE/504 Meetings held in-person locations will be according to your child's grade level and program location
Students who attend Tully Elementary School:  Elementary Main Office Conference Room
Students who attend Tully JSHS:  Tully JSHS Counseling Office Confernce Room
Students who attend Special Education Programs through BOCES will continue to be held through Google Meet or Phone-In (If a parent of a student who attends a BOCES program would like an in-person meeting, please call our office to request this as soon as you receive your invitation 315-696-6221)
CPSE/Preschool Student meetings will continue to be held through Google Meet or Phone-In (If a parent of a preschool/CPSE student would like an in-person meeting, please call our office to request this as soon as you receive your invitation 315-696-6221)

For our Google Meet format, parents will receive electronic invitations with links for joining the meeting through Google link. Parents (students) will also receive traditionally mailed invitations to the meeting. 

More information is provided on this page about how to access/use Google Meet.


LINKS for Help

Google Meet Use
Google Classroom Use

Parent Support Using Google Meet and other Google Platforms
Here is a link for Parent's Guide to Google Classroom, in case anyone at home needs a little info on how to use it
Parent Guide to Google Classroom

Here is a link to quick cheat sheet for joining a "Google Meet"

Be well, Cristy & Megan

We appreciate your patience as we work collaboratively in the best interest of the students for the 2023-2024 school year.
Please email Cristy Bobbett  or Megan Morrison if you need assistance or if we can help in anyway throughout this school year.

Please click link below for sample about Invitations and Joining Google Meet for CSE, CPSE, 504
Invitations & Joining Google Meet for CSE, CPSE, 504