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Tully Elementary School - Student Conduct

We expect students to be respectful and responsible, both in school and on the bus.  If a student is having difficulty managing his or her behavior, consequences can range from a warning to temporary removal from the classroom and/or bus.  Parent involvement is important to reinforce behaviors that will maintain a positive learning environment. The complete Tully Central School Code of Conduct is available and contains a more detailed explanation of expectations for student conduct as well as consequences for unacceptable behavior.  

Behavior can be generalized into thoughts, feelings, and actions.  There are four basic behaviors that we expect students to demonstrate at all times during school, at school activities, and on school grounds: 1. Show Integrity; 2. Show Kindness; 3. Show Self-Control; 4. Show Perseverance.  In grade appropriate ways, all students will be taught what it means to show integrity, kindness, self-control, and perseverance in all settings, including the auditorium, bathroom, bus, cafeteria, classrooms, hallways, lunch and dismissal lines, and playground.  There will be daily opportunities to practice and reinforce the expectations during the school year.

Cell Phones/Personal Electronic Devices

The use of cell phones, paging devices, radios, compact disc players, tape players, and any other such electronic devices is not permitted during the school day.  If students bring a personal electronic device to school, it must be turned off and kept in a backpack/locker until dismissal. Students may resume the use of these devices upon exiting the school building.

Students are not allowed to use cameras (digital, video, and cell phone) to take pictures or video on school property during the school day or at a school sponsored event.  The exception of this rule is for the following: 1. A student may possess and use the camera at the direction of and with direct supervision by a classroom teacher as part of classroom activities.  2. A student may use a camera if that student received prior permission from the school administration for a specific purpose. At no time will permission be granted for non-essential purposes, or if the use will violate another individual’s privacy.  3. A student may use a camera while attending an event held on school grounds, after school hours, and open to the general public, as long as the possession and use are neither disruptive or in any way unlawful.

Unauthorized use of electronic devices during the day will result in disciplinary consequences in accordance with the Code of Conduct:  1st offense:  The device will be taken away, secured in the office, and returned to the student at the end of the school day.  If cell phone is taken after 12:00 p.m. the device will be returned at the end of the following school day. Student will sign for device upon its return.  2nd offense: The device will be taken away, secured in the office, and returned to the parent/guardian. Parent will sign for device upon its return. 3rd and subsequent offenses:  The device will be taken away, secured in the office, returned to the parent, and detention will be assigned. Parent will sign for device upon its return. Additional consequences may be necessary.

Dress Code

All students are expected to give proper attention to personal cleanliness and to dress appropriately for school and school functions.  Students and their parents have the primary responsibility for acceptable student dress and appearance. Teachers and all other district personnel should exemplify and reinforce acceptable student dress and help students develop an understanding of appropriate appearance in the school setting. Students who violate the student dress code will be required to modify their appearance.  A person's dress, grooming, and appearance will:
  1. Be safe and appropriate, including for the weather conditions, and it will not disrupt or interfere with the educational process.
  2. Ensure that outer clothing completely covers all undergarments.
  3. Include safe and functional footwear at all times.
  4. Exclude items that are vulgar, obscene, libelous, or that denigrates others.
  5. Not promote or endorse the use of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs, or encourage other illegal or violent activities.
** Hats may be worn in all common areas including the hallways and the lobbeteria/cafeteria.  Hats may also be worn in classrooms at teacher's discretion.  Hats must allow the face to be visible and not interfere with the line of sight of any student or staff.  All hats must follow the rules of the dress code.  Hoods are not permitted.  Failure to comply with a teacher's request will be considered a violation of the code of conduct.

Disciplinary Consequences

Detention can be during lunch or recess. After school detention may be assigned in specific situations.

In-School Suspension
In-school suspension is for part or all of the school day.  The student will report to the main office, prepared to work on school subjects for the remainder of the day.

Out-of-School Suspension
This consequence is for serious infractions of the Code of Conduct. A student may not be on school grounds at any time during the day or night of the suspension.

Dignity for All Students - (Click here to report bullying and for more information on the Dignity for All Students Act.)

The Dignity Act protects all students from being harassed, bullied, or made to feel unsafe at school or on the bus.  Everyone has the right to feel safe and comfortable with who they are, what they look like, and what they like.

Bullying is a kind of harassment.  Harassment happens when a person is doing or saying something on purpose to someone else to make them feel uncomfortable or unsafe either in-person or using an electronic device (cyberbullying).  
Examples of harassment include:
  • Hitting, pushing, or kicking
  • Giving mean looks
  • Name calling or teasing
  • Bothering someone when they want to be left alone
  • Spreading rumors, writing mean things about someone, or embarrassing them
  • Threatening someone
  • Ignoring or leaving someone out

The District Code of Conduct defines inappropriate behaviors are and what punishments might be for breaking the Dignity Act, just like for other school rules.  The major goal is teach students about their mistake and to learn so it does not happen again. Sometimes, students might have to create a plan for better choices, have a meeting with a parent, see Mrs. Hathaway, Mrs. McKeever, or see Mr. Kupiec.  Other times students might receive a punishment. Consequences could be time in the office, loss of a privilege, spending lunch or recess in the office, staying after-school in the office, or in-school or out-of-school suspension.

Treat others the way you would like to be treated (Golden Rule).  Keep your hands and feet to yourself. Be a good friend and stand up if you see someone being mean to someone else.  Tell them to stop or tell an adult about it. Be kind and courageous!