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A Grimm Night Full of Laughs

The JSHS presented the Brothers Grimm: A Spectaculathon before the holiday break, leaving their audience in stitches. By narrating a montage of classical fairy tales, this witty and charismatic play gave the original tales a modern day spin. With a small cast (only twelve students), several students played more than one part. Between the on-stage costume change between four different characters, including accents, and a flock of birds, one student really showcased their talent while cracking the audience up. Another character got up close and personal with an audience member, putting them on the spot and earning themselves a not-so-grim spotlight. No matter the character, the laughs kept coming. Senior Night was Friday evening where Ms. Fowler-Conner and  Ms. Oliver gave their three seniors, Hannah Brenchley (tech coordinator), Sarah Kuty, and Carina Scalza, a farewell gift. This Grimm night turned out to be one for the books and full of laughter.

Full cast of Brothers GrimmA scene from Brothers Grimm
The cast of Brothers Grimm celebrate their hard work.