Special Education
Welcome to the Tully Special Education Department
Cristy Bobbett
Tully Central School District Special Education Department works throughout the year to meet the needs of students identified with an educational disability and supported by an Individualized Educational Program (IEP). We make every effort to educate our students in the least restrictive environment as possible, at times, that may require an alternate setting. Ultimately, it is our goal to assure that all students exit our programs with the ability to (as independently as possible) be an integral and productive member of their community.
Support is provided for eligible students beginning at age three through high school commencement or the year in which the student turns age 21. We work with the Onondaga County Department of Health to provide programs and services for children ages three-five, who qualify under the Committee on Pre-School Special Education. A continuum of services is provided for the vast majority of our students, K-12, within district programs. A small percentage of our students require more intensive support than can be provided within our district. Therefore, we work collaboratively with the Onondaga-Cortland-Madison BOCES to identify the most appropriate program to meet each student's needs, and utilize the BOCES programs that are available to us.
The Committee on Special Education (CSE) or the Committee on Pre-school Special Education (CPSE) meets at a minimum, annually, to review a student's progress based on the IEP goals. Based on that progress and the student's present levels of performance, goals are re-established and then it is determined what program and services are required to meet those IEP goals. At times, regular education support programs may also be the most appropriate level of support for students with disabilities.
Our program models will exemplify the district's mission: “To create an open, caring and supportive atmosphere where every student is nurtured in the development of a respect and thirst for lifelong learning and personal dedication to the pursuit of excellence.”
We welcome you to contact us at (315) 696-6221 if we can assist you in anyway.
Cristy Bobbett, Director of Student Support Services (Special Education)
Tiffany Sporman, Exec. Secretary for Student Support Services
Please look over links for resources throughout our community.
If you have any questions/concerns about your child ages 3 - 21 in regard to development of academic, social, emotional, or physical skills, please contact:
Cristy Bobbett Tiffany Sporman
Director of Student Support Services Exec. Secretarry for Student Support Services
Tully Central School District Tully Central School District
20 State Street 20 State Street
Tully, NY 13159 Tully, NY 13159
315-696-6221 315-696-6221