Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians:
On behalf of the entire Tully Elementary School staff, I would like to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year! Whether you are brand new to us, or have been here for many years, we are looking forward to another fantastic and memorable year!
We strive to make Tully Elementary School a rigorous, collaborative, and safe learning environment where students and staff are excited and challenged every day, learning to succeed and grow in a changing world. This handbook is designed to be a concise, valuable resource for you, not just in September, but throughout the year. Please take the time to read it carefully at home. It contains practices, procedures, and information that will help us to work as partners in making this year a great success.
Please feel free to contact us at any time with questions, comments, and/or concerns.
Ed Kupiec
Elementary Principal
Page Updated: July 2, 2024
Topics Updated: All
Important Phone Numbers
20 State Street, Tully, NY 13159
Office Hours are Monday - Friday, 7:30 AM - 3:45 PM
Main Office, Cheryl McGraw/Tina Spaulding ……………………………………….................. 315-696-6213
Fax Number ……………………………………………………………………………................…. 315-696-6220
Principal, Ed Kupiec ………………………………………………………………………………... 315-696-6212
Nurse, Sierra Haas ....…………………………………............................................................... 315-696-6222
Social Worker, Victoria McKeever .……………………………………………………………… 315-696-6217
Special Education Office, Tiffany Sporman ………………………………………………...……. 315-696-6221
Fax Number …………………………………………………………………………................……. 315-292-5000
Director of Student Support Services, Cristy Bobbett ………………................................. 315-696-6221
Superintendent/District Office, Dr. Darcy Woodcock ......……………………………………. 315-692-6200
Fax Number …………………………………………………………………...............……………. 315-883-1343
Cafeteria/Food Service, Mark Gucciardi ………………………………………………………. 315-696-6230
Bus Garage/Transportation, Katie Murphy ……………………………………………………... 315-696-6250
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Core Subjects
Tully Elementary School offers a comprehensive educational program to meet the academic, social/emotional and behavioral needs of students. Our English Language Arts curriculum is heavily influenced by evidence-based practices and what is commonly known by the "science of reading." The majority of our teaching staff have received LETRS and Heggerty training. Math instruction is aligned with the Next Generation Math Learning Standards utilizing programs Savvas Investigations. In Social Studies, teachers are implementing the C3 Framework and state standards along with integrating inquiry-based units. Science instruction is aligned with the new New York State Science Learning Standards and in-depth study using curriculum materials from the Smithsonian.
Special Areas
All students receive instruction in art, general music, and physical education. Library is also scheduled in select grades.
Instrumental band music lessons begin in grade 4. There is an informational Band Night held each fall in September. There is a Beginning Band for students in grade 4 and an Elementary Concert Band for students in grade 5. Instrumental lessons take place during the school day. Each child is provided with an individual schedule of lessons.
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Activity Period
Activity Period (Grades PK-4)
Any student may remain after-school until 3:15 pm for extra help or clubs provided the teacher has notified the student’s parents in advance and we have a signed permission slip on file. Buses will be available 4 days weekly at 3:20 pm.
Activity Period (Grades 5)
Any student may remain after-school until 3:15 pm for extra help, clubs, to serve detention, or to complete unfinished work. Students in grade 5 DO NOT need a pre-signed permission slip to stay for Activity Period if requested to stay by a teacher. This change will make it easier for students and teachers to request staying for Activity Period that same day in order to complete unfinished work. Teachers and students will contact parents during the school day to notify of their intent to stay for Activity Period and to confirm the ability to stay and/or transportation needs. Permission slips are still needed for regularly scheduled club activities. Buses will be available 4 days weekly at 3:20 pm.
Activity Period Clubs
Below is a list of current clubs and extra-curricular activities that meet during Activity Period, and on some occasions, during the school day.
Art Club (Grade 5)
Students in 5th grade have the opportunity to continue to develop and refine their artistic talents. Students will be able to work on extended projects.
Character Club (Grade 5)
Students are recommended by their class to serve on the council. They help make Character Education a part of our school through assemblies, displays and Spirit Days.
Choral Groups (Grades 3 - 5)
Students have the opportunity to participate in select small-group and solo vocal opportunities beyond the grade level choruses. Interested students should talk with our choral music teacher to determine if this club meets their interest.
Drama Club (Grades 4 & 5)
Interested students may audition to be part of the annual musical that is put on for the students, faculty and families. Students who have interest in stage crew, set design, and lights/sound may also express interest and be part of the production. Rehearsals for the evening performances take place after school.
Jazz Band/Other Band Groups (Grade 5)
Students can participate in a small after school Jazz Band and occasionally other band opportunities. Interested students should talk with our instrumental music teacher to determine if this club meets their interest.
Maker Club (Grades K - 5, varied times during the year)
Tully Elementary School has a Maker Lab for all students to experience through the library and computer science programs. Students in the club will participate in a variety of STEAM activities including circuitry, engineering, robotics, rocketry, art, designing, and creating.
Safety Patrol (Grade 5)
Students in grade 5 have the opportunity to participate in the AAA safety patrol and assist with ensuring a safe arrival and dismissal each day.
Yearbook Club (Grade 5)
Students in grade 5 work with club advisors to take photos and create an annual school yearbook. Orders can be placed to purchase yearbooks during the year. All yearbooks are handed out in June of each school year.
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When your child is absent, please call the Health Office (315-696-6222) that morning and inform the nurse of the reason. Children absent from school are required to bring a written excuse with them on the day they return to school. The excuse should contain the student’s name, date(s) absent, reason for absence and signature of parent or guardian.
Late Arrivals
Students are expected to be in their classrooms by 8:00 a.m. Students not present by this time are considered to be tardy and will need to bring an excuse. Tardy students must check in at the Elementary Office before going to their classroom.
Early Dismissal
Parents who wish to have their children dismissed prior to the 2:30 p.m. dismissal time must send a note to school. The note should include the student’s name, date, the time they are to be dismissed, the reason and the signature of the parent or guardian. All students dismissed early will be picked up in the Elementary School Office and signed out by parents.
Family Vacations
Parents, please notify your child(ren)’s classroom teacher, in advance if they will be absent from school due to a family vacation or trip. Family vacations are considered unexcused in New York State. Many parents ask what their child can do to keep up with school work. Since there is no substitute for classroom instruction, school work will not be sent with your child. Your child can read books, magazines and vacation brochures. Writing in a journal is a great way to remember the vacation as well as practice writing. Practicing math facts is also recommended.
School Events and Absence
Students that are absent or sent home from school for illness reasons on the day of an after-school activity or event will not be permitted to attend that activity or event.
Excessive Absences/Tardies
Regular attendance leads to success in school. The school will take action to notify parents of attendance concerns that reach or are at risk of reaching the threshold for chronic absenteeism or tardiness, defined as 10% or more of enrolled school days. The school will consider absences/tardies excessive by the time they reach 15% of the school days, which may result in referrals to outside resources for legal or counseling interventions. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure student’s regular, on-time attendance. The parent portal in Schooltool provides the ability for parents to track absences and tardies in real-time.
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Before School Supervision
The elementary building opens at 7:30 AM for student walkers and those dropped off by car. Students will complete their temperature checks and then proceed either to the cafeteria or the gymnasium to wait in a socially distanced manner. Please do not send your child before this time, as there is no adult supervision provided. At 7:45, students will begin to be dismissed from the buses. Students who choose to eat breakfast at school do so at this time.
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Most of Tully’s students are transported by bus. Any questions regarding transportation (bus stops, times, driver feedback) should be directed to the Transportation Dispatcher at 315-696-6250. All other questions should be directed to the main office. Students are expected to follow all school rules on the bus.
Bus Rules
The bus driver has complete charge of the students while they are on the bus. ALL the rules for behavior are the same on the bus as they are in the classroom! Failure to adhere to these rules may result in disciplinary consequences.
- Be on time – Be at your assigned bus stop at least five minutes before your bus is scheduled to arrive.
- Stay away from the street – Keep back from the edge of the road while waiting for your bus.
- Wait for the bus to stop – Don’t start walking toward your bus until the bus has come to a full stop.
- Do not put arms, head or elbows out of the window – and never throw anything out the window.
- Eating and drinking is not allowed on the bus.
- Do not litter on the bus – Help keep the bus clean by not throwing paper or other trash on the floor of the bus.
- Never throw things while on the bus – Do not throw objects while on the bus and avoid fooling around.
- Crossing the road to get on or off the bus – When crossing in front of your bus, make sure you can see the face of your bus driver. Wait for your driver to wave you across the road. After being waved across by your driver, you should still check the road to make sure all traffic has stopped before crossing the road.
- In case of an emergency – Listen to your driver. He/She will tell you what to do. Stay calm and listen for directions.
Drop-Off / Dismissal Procedures (Walkers)
Children walking to school should enter the lobby using the State Street door. Students may enter the building as soon as 7:30 AM. At dismissal, students who walk home also exit through the lobby doors. Crossing guards are provided by the Village of Tully at the traffic light on Elm Street and at the corner of State and Onondaga Streets at both arrival and dismissal times.
Drop-Off / Dismissal Procedures (Cars)
Parents dropping off and picking up their child(ren) by vehicle should use the traffic loop, by entering the elementary school driveway on State Street, and then circling around to the designated drop-off/pick-up areas at the northwest corner of the elementary school. This is the corner nearest the bus garage. Once you have dropped-off/picked-up your child(ren), you may re-enter the traffic flow and exit onto State Street. Students will enter the building at the lobby entrance.
Transportation Changes
It is important for the safety of our children for the office to know about changes in transportation routine as soon as possible. Parents should give WRITTEN PERMISSION for students to leave school in any way other than their normal route. Children must bring a note granting permission to the Elementary Office in the morning for a pass to be issued.
Bicycle Riders
When a student rides a bicycle to school, it is the responsibility of the student to lock and secure the bike to the bike rack. Bike racks are located at the State Street entrance near the Main Office Lobby. Please note that it is New York State Law that all children wear a bicycle helmet.
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Cafeteria/Food Service
Children may purchase breakfast or lunch, or they may bring a packed lunch from home. Snacks, milk, juice, dessert and ice cream are also available. A menu will be available each month and at Menus may change based on availability. Our cafeteria utilizes an automated program to log student transactions. Each student is provided with a PIN. The automated system allows you to send in an amount of money to be put into an account for your child. You may also use the online service to add money and monitor your child’s purchases. When your child buys breakfast lunch, the money is subtracted from the account. If you have questions about your account, you may call the cafeteria office at 315-696-6208 or 315-696-6230.
As a safety precaution, parents are asked not to send glass containers with their children to school.
Meal Prices
Breakfast: FREE
Lunch: FREE
Free and Reduced Price Lunches
Information and forms concerning free and reduced lunch program may be obtained by contacting the Elementary Office or on the Food Service website at
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Calendars & Events
A variety of evening activities/events take place at Tully Elementary School. All elementary students must be accompanied by an adult for any school-sponsored event (movies, plays, concerts, etc.). You can view the list of special events taking place by visiting the district homepage, and clicking on Calendars.
Back to School Night
This year’s Back to School Night is scheduled for Tuesday, September 3, 2024 from 4:00 - 5:30. Students and parents will have the opportunity to see their classrooms and meet their teachers and learn more about the curriculum before the first day of school on September 4th. Our PTO will also be present at this event. Parents are encouraged to ask general questions of the teacher; child-specific questions should be directed to the teacher at a later time or at the individual parent-teacher conferences in November.
Beginning Band Night
Beginning Band Night will be held on TBD for parents of students interested in playing an instrument.
Open House
Our annual spring Open House is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, May 15, 2025 Students look forward to showing their family members around the school and showcasing their work and learning over the year. The exact date and time will be finalized in the late winter.
District Calendar
You may access the current District summary calendar at:
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Code of Conduct/Behavior/Discipline
We expect students to be respectful and responsible, both in school and on the bus. If a student is having difficulty managing his or her behavior, consequences can range from a warning to temporary removal from the classroom and/or bus. Parent involvement is important to reinforce behaviors that will maintain a positive learning environment. The complete Tully Central School Code of Conduct is available on the District Website and contains a more detailed explanation of expectations for student conduct as well as consequences for unacceptable behavior.
Behavior can be generalized into thoughts, feelings, and actions. There are four basic behaviors that we expect students to demonstrate at all times during school, at school activities, and on school grounds: 1. Show Integrity; 2. Show Kindness; 3. Show Self-Control; 4. Show Perseverance. In grade appropriate ways, all students will be taught what it means to show integrity, kindness, self-control, and perseverance in all settings, including the auditorium, bathroom, bus, cafeteria, classrooms, hallways, lunch and dismissal lines, and playground. There will be daily opportunities to practice and reinforce the expectations during the school year.
Plain Language Summary Chart (click to open)
Cell Phones/Personal Electronic Devices
Recently, the Board of Education passed a new policy (Policy 7316 Student Use of Personal Technology can be found here.) regarding the use of cell phones, headphones, and smart devices during the school day. At TES, the use of cell phones, paging devices, radios, compact disc players, tape players, and any other such electronic devices is not permitted during the school day. If students bring a personal electronic device to school, it must be turned off and kept in a backpack/locker until dismissal. Students may resume the use of these devices upon exiting the school building.
Students are not allowed to use cameras (digital, video, and cell phone) to take pictures or video on school property during the school day. Exceptions to this rule are for the following:
- A student may use a camera if that student received prior permission from the school administration for a specific purpose. At no time will permission be granted for non-essential purposes, or if the use will violate another individual’s privacy.
- A student may use a camera while attending an event held on school grounds, after school hours, and open to the general public, as long as the possession and use are neither disruptive or in any way unlawful.
Unauthorized use of electronic devices during the day will result in disciplinary consequences in accordance with the Code of Conduct:
- 1st offense: The device will be taken away, secured in the classroom, and returned to the student at the end of the day. The classroom teacher will send the parent an email about the violation and copy the principal on the email.
- 2nd offense: The teacher will send the student with the phone to the principal’s office. The principal will call the parent and document in Schooltool with a warning. The student’s phone will remain in the office until the end of the day. Students can pick up the phone at the end of the day. The parent will be notified that the next offense will require them to pick up the phone from the main office.
- 3rd and subsequent offenses: The teacher will send the student with their phone to the principal’s office. The student’s phone will remain in the office until the end of the day. The principal will call the parent and document in Schooltool with a warning. Parents can pick up the phone at the end of the day from the main office.
Dress Code
All students are expected to give proper attention to personal cleanliness and to dress appropriately for school and school functions. Students and their parents have the primary responsibility for acceptable student dress and appearance. Teachers and all other district personnel should exemplify and reinforce acceptable student dress and help students develop an understanding of appropriate appearance in the school setting. Students who violate the student dress code will be required to modify their appearance. A person's dress, grooming, and appearance will:
- Be safe and appropriate, including for the weather conditions, and it will not disrupt or interfere with the educational process.
- Ensure that outer clothing completely covers all undergarments.
- Include safe and functional footwear at all times.
- Exclude items that are vulgar, obscene, libelous, or that denigrates others.
- Not promote or endorse the use of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs, or encourage other illegal or violent activities.
** Hats may be worn in all common areas including the hallways and the lobbeteria/cafeteria. Hats may also be worn in classrooms at teacher's discretion. Hats must allow the face to be visible and not interfere with the line of sight of any student or staff. All hats must follow the rules of the dress code. Hoods are not permitted. Failure to comply with a teacher's request will be considered a violation of the code of conduct.
Disciplinary Consequences
Parents are contacted by the teacher whenever a student is sent to the office for a violation of the Code of Conduct. The following are common consequences for infractions. Please refer to the complete Code of Conduct for more information.
Warning/Time in Office
This consequence is used for many first-time and/or minor infractions of the Code of Conduct. Students have a conversation with the principal and/or may spend a short time in the office.
Detention can be during lunch or recess and involves a student spending this time in the main office. After school detentions may also be assigned in specific situations and served during the Activity Period.
In-School Suspension
In-school suspension is for part or all of the school day. The student will report to the main office, prepared to work on school subjects for the remainder of the day.
This consequence is for serious infractions of the Code of Conduct. A student may not be on school grounds at any time during the day or night of the suspension.
Dignity for All Students
The Dignity Act protects all students from being harassed, bullied, or made to feel unsafe at school or on the bus. Everyone has the right to feel safe and comfortable with who they are, what they look like, and what they like.
Bullying is a kind of harassment. Harassment happens when a person is doing or saying something on purpose to someone else to make them feel uncomfortable or unsafe either in-person or using an electronic device (cyberbullying).
Examples of harassment include:
- Hitting, pushing, or kicking
- Giving mean looks
- Name calling or teasing
- Bothering someone when they want to be left alone
- Spreading rumors, writing mean things about someone, or embarrassing them
- Threatening someone
- Ignoring or leaving someone out
The District Code of Conduct defines inappropriate behaviors and what punishments might be for breaking the Dignity Act, just like for other school rules. The major goal is to teach students about their mistake and to learn so it does not happen again. Sometimes, students might have to create a plan for better choices, have a meeting with a parent, see the social worker or see the principal. Other times students might receive a punishment. Consequences could be time in the office, loss of a privilege, spending lunch or recess in the office, staying after-school in the office, or in-school or out-of-school suspension.
Treat others the way you would like to be treated (Golden Rule). Keep your hands and feet to yourself. Be a good friend and stand up if you see someone being mean to someone else. Tell them to stop or tell an adult about it. Be kind and courageous!
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School Closings and Delays
Emergency closings are announced at the earliest possible moment. You will automatically be notified by our Parent Square service. They will also be posted on the main page of the Tully School website and announced on local television, radio, and online media outlets for all district residents. Families are encouraged to develop a plan for supervision of students in the event of an unplanned early dismissal from school.
Emergency Drills
New York State requires that schools practice emergency drills. These include fire drills, lockdown drills, evacuation drills, and shelter-in-place drills. These drills will be scheduled throughout the school year.
Parent Square
Parent Square is utilized by the Tully School District to notify parents and staff of upcoming school events, emergency situations, closings and delays, and other information such as report card dates. Parent Square allows the district and each of its schools to send messages via telephone, email and text.
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Field Trips
Field trips provide unique opportunities for learning and experiences that cannot be duplicated in the traditional classroom. Typically these trips occur during the school day. Depending on the nature of the trip, families may be asked to share in covering some expenses. Written parental permission is required for all field trips. A single form can provide blanket permission for all walking trips. Parents retain the right to exclude their student from specific trips by writing a note to the classroom teacher. Unless the trip is a walking field trip, transportation for all field trips shall be provided by teachers or bus drivers driving school-owned vehicles or by chartered transportation.
Transportation of a student to a site other than Tully school property will be provided by the District except when provided by the student’s parent with prior approval from the principal or classroom teacher. A parent may transport his/her child only.
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Home-School Communication
Regular communication between teachers and parents is an important factor in student achievement. Parents who are aware of what their children are learning in the classroom and informed about their progress can better support students at home and be more supportive of your efforts each day. While parents have the opportunity to check the parent portal in Schooltool for updates on academic progress, it is a supplement, not a replacement, for the teacher directly communicating with parents. There are a variety of other methods, both print and electronic that you can be used for regular communication. Some options include school newsletters, notes, e-mail, phone calls, and video conferencing.
Chain of Inquiry
The chain of inquiry for various concerns can be found here
Phone Calls During the Day
Call 315-696-6213 to reach the Elementary Office. You can be directly connected to the Principal. You will be able to leave a voicemail when contacting a teacher. The teacher will return your call as soon as possible. Students are discouraged from using the school phone except in an emergency situation. If a parent or guardian needs to reach a child, please call the Elementary Office at 315-696-6213. Give the secretary your name, the message, and your child’s teacher’s name. A message will then be relayed to your child.
Emailing Teachers
Parents are encouraged to communicate regularly with teachers by email. Email addresses can be found on the district website. Given that teachers’ schedules may prevent responses until the next school day, time-sensitive questions or communication should be directed through a phone call to the main office. You may also find that using Parent Square is a convenient way to engage in communication with teachers.
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Homework and Missed Work
Research indicates little to no benefit from assigned homework in the elementary grades. As such, in grades PK - 4, there will be no assigned daily homework, but all students are encouraged and requested to read for at least twenty (20) minutes each night. As assigned homework is an expectation at the Junior-Senior High School, in grade 5, students may receive up to ten (10) minutes of homework each night per subject in addition to reading twenty (20) minutes a day.
If a student is absent or misses class for any reason, it is the student’s responsibility to see the teacher to determine what work needs to be completed. For extended absences due to illness, parents may request to have work sent to the main office to be picked up.
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Interpreter Services
Interpreter Services may be available at no charge, provided that a written request is made to the School District within fourteen (14) days of the scheduled school-initiated meeting or activity pertaining to the academic and/or disciplinary aspects of their student’s education.
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Lost and Found
When personal property is found it is turned into the main office. Clothing is placed on a lost and found table in the hallway. Valuable items, such as watches, electronic devices, glasses etc…, will be kept in the office. Please check the lost and found regularly; at the end of each marking period, items in the lost and found will be donated to a local charity.
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Lost or Damaged School Property
Instructional materials (including textbooks) are the property of the school. Students are responsible for these items and must make restitution if they are lost, damaged or stolen.
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Some students are assigned gym and/or hallway lockers to keep their belongings. Lockers are the property of the Tully Central Schools and as such are loaned to students for their use. Students should not expect privacy with respect to lockers or other storage areas. The Tully Central School District reserves the right to inspect the inside and outside of all school lockers at any time for any reason. All lockers should be cleaned regularly.
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New York State Assessments
New York State Assessments are given in the following grades:
Grade 3 English Language Arts and Math
Grade 4 English Language Arts and Math
Grade 5 English Language Arts, Math, Science
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Non-Discrimination/Sexual Harrassment Policy
In compliance with United States Law under Title IX "Non-Discrimination on Basis of age, sex, race, color, creed, national origin, or handicap," the Tully Central School District herewith notifies all parties that it does not discriminate in the educational programs or activities which it operates and that is required by the Title IX and the rules and regulations of the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) not to discriminate in such a manner. This requirement not to discriminate in education programs and activities extends to employment therein, and to admission thereto. Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX and the rules and regulation of HEW may be referred to the Tully Superintendent of Schools.
The Tully Central School District will provide a learning and working environment that is free from sexual harassment. It is a violation of policy for any member of the District staff to harass another staff member or student, or for students to harass other students or staff, through conduct or communications of a sexual nature.
Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors, and other inappropriate verbal, written or physical conduct of a sexual nature when made by any member of the school staff to a student or to another staff member, or when made by any student to another student or staff member, whether on school premises or off school premises, when:
- Submission to such conduct is either made explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment or education, or when
- Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment or academic decisions affecting that individual, or when
- Such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s professional or academic performance of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive employment education environment.
Any person who alleges sexual harassment by a member of the School District may complain directly to the designated building administrator. The right to confidentiality, both of the complainant and other accused, will be respected consistent with the School District’s legal obligations and with the necessity to investigate allegations of misconduct in accordance with State and Federal Law and to take corrective action when this conduct has occurred. A substantiated charge will subject that individual to disciplinary action, consistent with student disciplinary policies and State and Federal Law.
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Nurse's Office
New York State Law requires all students entering public schools to be immunized against: polio, diphtheria, measles, mumps, rubella and Hep B (polio, DPT and MMR). Please contact the school nurse with specific questions about your child(ren) and specific grade-level requirements.
The Tully Central School District carries a New York State Student Accident Insurance Plan for injuries occurring during school-supervised activities. Medical claims should first be submitted to the parent’s insurance company before school insurance is used. The school’s insurance is secondary coverage. Questions should be referred to the school nurse.
Illness or Injury at School
If a child becomes ill or injured at school, he/she is to report to the teacher as soon as possible. If it becomes necessary for a student to be sent home, the parent will be notified by the school nurse. Parents are asked to please keep the emergency phone numbers updated during the school year. Be sure that the person listed on your child’s card can pick your child up at school.
If a student’s medication is ordered by a physician, to be given to your child during school hours, the school nurse will need the following:
- Written permission from the physician.
- Written permission from the parents.
- Medication in original container delivered by a parent.
The physician’s written permission should state what medication is ordered, the dosage and time to be administered. It is also required that the parent bring the medication to school, rather than the student. Please do not send over-the-counter medications to school with your child (i.e. Tylenol, cough syrup) as per law they cannot be administered by the school nurse without a doctor’s written permission.
Physicals are required for all students entering Pre-Kindergarten and/or Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 3 and Grade 5. Dental screenings are requested but not required in these grade levels.
Students receive health screening in the following areas:
- Scoliosis in Grades 5
- Vision and Hearing in Grades Pre-K and/or K, 1, 3 and 5
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Parent Square
The first week of school is a very busy time. Rather than overwhelming you with paperwork on the first day of school and asking for it back right away, we send out number of items during the month of August that must be completed and returned to the office. Please complete and return these forms in your child’s backpack on the first day of school or you may scan them and return by email to
The District is currently transitioning to an electronic system, ParentSquare, that will hopefully replace many of the paper forms sent home during the year. Instructions for accessing Parent Square will be sent to you. This year, the annual student information verification form, along with various opt-out options, are on Parent Square. Please go to Parent Square and review the current information on file for your student/s. After updating and/or completing all necessary information, you can submit it. Please make sure you have provided us with an updated email address that you check often. If you need assistance with Parent Square, please reach out to the main office.
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Physical Education
Students are required to wear sneakers and socks. Physical Education is required for all students in grades unless excused for medical reasons. All excuses should be addressed to the School Nurse and should include the date(s) and reason for non-participation. If a student is to be excused for more than one week, a physician’s excuse should indicate the limits of participation and when full participation may resume. Students will need a physician’s release to return to Physical Education class if dates are not included on the original excuse.
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Positivity Project (P2)
Tully Elementary School is proud to be a partner school for the Positivity Project (P2)! All students will spend time each day focusing on 24 character strengths, a common vocabulary, and the philosophy of the Other People Matter Mindset.
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PTO/Parent Opportunities
The Tully Elementary PTO is an organization of administrators, parents and teachers working together to promote the welfare of children in the school, home and community. All parents are encouraged to take an active role in the PTO and its activities. The PTO meets the second Wednesday of each month to discuss business and new events. The PTO maintains an email listserv that you can subscribe to that provides all members with up to date information on school, PTO and many community events.
All volunteers to the building must first be approved by the Board of Education. Please complete and submit volunteer application and return it to the Elementary office. You may find an application form on the District website. Volunteers will have references checked and be screened in Raptor prior to being sent to the Board of Education for approval. Once Board approved, parents are then able to volunteer in classrooms and/or chaperone field trips. This includes volunteering for clubs, PTO events, and school-wide events throughout the year. Parents are required to complete a volunteer application each year; it is easiest to complete the application early in the year to increase the opportunities available to volunteer.
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All students have recess scheduled daily. Weather permitting, recess will take place outdoors. Students will have indoor recess when it is raining or when the actual temperature or wind chill is at or below 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Parents should ensure that students are prepared for outdoor recess with appropriate attire. For safety reasons, classroom teachers may exclude a child from recess who is not appropriately dressed. Students who have a medical excuse from physical education will also be excused from participation in recess.
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Report Cards/Schooltool
Pre-K will have 2 written report cards (March & June).
Grades K- 5 will have 3 written report cards (November, February/March & June).
Special area teachers (Art, Music and Physical Education) also provide report card grades, as do Band and Chorus.
Parents/Guardians of students in grade 5 are able to use the Parent Portal in Schooltool to track assignments and have real-time access to students’ current grades.
Parent Conferences
Parent/Teacher Conferences provide the teacher and the parents)/guardian(s) with an opportunity to sit and discuss each child, the school program, the report card, and any concerns. Families are also encouraged to arrange a conference with their child’s teacher whenever a need is apparent or a meeting is desired. Upon request of parent(s)/guardian(s) and/or teacher(s), these conferences may take place virtually.
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The safety of our students is very important to us. The following guidelines are followed to make sure that all children are safe at school:
During the school day there is a single point of entry into the building at our main entrance lobby. All visitors will be asked to present an ID such as a Driver’s License, which can either be scanned or manually entered into the system. If a parent or guardian does not have a US government-issued ID, we can use any form of identification and manually enter the person’s name into the Raptor system. The Raptor system then checks the visitor's name and date of birth for comparison with a national database of registered sex offenders. The registered sex offender database is the only official database checked by the Raptor system. No other data from the ID is gathered or recorded and the information is not shared with any outside agency. Once entry is approved, Raptor will issue a badge that identifies the visitor, the date, and the purpose of his/her visit. A visitor’s badge will not be necessary for those who are simply making quick visits to either of our school offices.
The school presumes that both parents have custody of their children and therefore a right to sign children out of the building and access all records. If this is not true for your child, you must provide the school with a copy of a legal document that outlines the limitations.
Tully Central Schools utilizes the tip411 system to send anonymous tips or concerns to school administration. You can access tip411 from the school website or at this address:
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Snacks and Parties
Some teachers have a morning or afternoon snack in their classrooms. Parents wishing to bring class treats are asked to make arrangements with the classroom teacher. Parents should check with the classroom teacher regarding any known food allergies. Students will not be permitted to share their food and beverages with others, including siblings.
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Social Media/Publicity
The Tully School District will use the district website, Parent Square, or social media outlets such as Facebook, X, or Instagram to communicate information to the community. Occasionally the nature of these communications will include references to students, including photographs, names and examples of student work.
Use of Student Photographs
If you do not wish your child’s name or photograph to be used in district publications, you may do so by checking the appropriate box on the student verification form that is sent home through Parent Square at the beginning of the school year or by sending a note to the main office. Students who are opted-out of having their photograph or name used in district publications will need a signed note by a parent to give permission for inclusion in the school yearbook or social media.
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Special Education
According to Part 200 Regulations of the Commission of Education the school district must have a Committee on Special Education as well as a Preschool Committee on Special Education. The purpose is to evaluate, discuss, and determine if challenges a student may be having in reaching the learning standards is related to an educational disability. It is then the job of the Committee to make recommendations and determinations if special education programming and/or related services are necessary to provide access to the general education curriculum/environment. It is also the responsibility of the district to always consider the least restrictive environment to meet each student's needs. This may range from general education supports and services to specially designed instruction as needed on the continuum of programs and services for NYS. Tully Central School District Special Education Department works throughout the year to meet the needs of students identified with an educational disability and supported by an Individualized Educational Program (IEP).
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Supply Lists
Supplies vary from classroom to classroom. School supply lists for this school year were included with the final report card in June and can be found on the school website The elementary office also has a copy of each list.
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Support Services
Academic Supports
Academic Intervention Services (AIS)
Tully Elementary provides Academic Intervention Services (AIS) in math, reading, and writing. Academic Intervention is defined as instruction which supplements classroom instruction for students who are considered to be at risk for achieving New York State’s Learning Standards. AIS is provided by teachers and teaching assistants.
Response to Intervention (RTI)
All students in grades 1 – 5 receive differentiated instruction to meet their individual literacy and math needs. Classroom teachers, AIS teachers and Teaching Assistance and other available teachers provide small group instruction and targeted interventions to meet specific needs. These needs will be identified through multiple data points.
Support Personnel
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Team (MTSS)
The Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Team meets with teachers to discuss strategies and accommodations for any student who is experiencing behavioral and/or academic problems in school. Parents will be notified by the homeroom teacher when they are requesting a meeting.
School Social Workers
The school social workers work within the school setting to strengthen the social/emotional well being of all students. Support for students and their families are offered through short term counseling, crisis management, support and skill based groups, and community referrals. Families are encouraged to contact the social workers with any questions or concerns.
Mrs. McKeever - / 315-696-6217
School Psychologist
The School Psychologist functions as a counselor and assessor of educational needs. The School Psychologist works with teachers to address behavioral concerns in the classroom. Individualized behavior plans may be developed to support children while in class. The School Psychologist may also be asked to complete an education evaluation by Committee on Special Education (CSE). The results of individual student testing are shared with the parents and the child’s teacher. If testing results indicate a need for a special education program, such recommendations are made formally at a CSE meeting.
Mr Villhauer - / 315-696-6215
Speech and Language Pathologist
The Speech Pathologist works with children who are in need of improved communication skills, primarily speech and language development. Children with severe and marginal speech and language impairments are also served.
Occupational and Physical Therapy
Occupational and physical therapy are provided to students with fine and gross motor challenges that impact their access to the curriculum and environment. Students with severe sensory dysregulation may also be provided services.
BOE Policy #7540 - Suicide
"The District will inform students, staff, parents/guardians of the 988 hotline which connects callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline"
"It is intended for anyone who is suicidal; experiencing a mental health or substance use-related crisis; of experiencing any kind of emotional distress."
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For additional details, please refer to Board of Education Policy 7315.
Computer Use
Use of computer technology is an integral part of the school program. Each student is given privileges to the academic computer network and is expected to follow guidelines set in the District’s Internet Access and Acceptable Use Policy. This includes use of designated software, storage, printing, and controlled access to the internet. Students in grades 1-6 are assigned personal Chromebooks for the school year and Pre-K and Kindergarten students also have access to touch screen devices. Harassment or disruptive use of electronic communications is not permitted. Abuse of hardware and inappropriate use of software is regarded as vandalism and/or stealing. Such access will result in administrative action and restriction of privileges.
Internet Use Policy
When used appropriately, the internet is an important resource for students and staff. It provides a connection to a variety of information sources, to educational instructions and to users throughout the world. It fosters the development of researchers and investigators and encourages resource sharing, innovation and communication.
Despite our best efforts, a determined user may be able to gain access to inappropriate or unauthorized services on the internet. Therefore, it is recognized that students may gain access to information and communications that they, the District, or their parents find inappropriate, offensive or controversial.
Appropriate uses of the Internet include any use of approved by instructional personnel, such as completing an assignment and conducting research. Students are not permitted to send or receive personal email during the school day. Any uses of the Internet not expressly approved by an instructor are prohibited. The District does not sanction any unauthorized use of the Internet. Users granted access through the District’s resources assume personal responsibility, both civil and criminal, for unauthorized uses of the Internet. All school and civil rules apply to Internet access, computer use or to the use of email over the Internet.
Wireless Network/Guest Usage
The Tully School District maintains a guest wireless network for short-term access that is accessible to visitors. Access points may not always be in-service or available in all locations. The guest wireless network may be subject to periodic maintenance, unforeseen downtime, and limited availability. Guest wireless access is provided as a free service on an "as is" basis with no guarantee of service.
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Title I Parent/Family Engagement Policy
Tully Elementary School receives Title I funding through the federal government. The District will collaborate with parents and other family members to help students participating in Title I programs reach their full academic potential and to improve the District's overall academic quality. As part of its collaboration, the District will conduct outreach; plan and implement programs, activities, and procedures for parent and family member engagement; and consult meaningfully with parents and family members.
To that end we shall:
- Convene an annual meeting at Back to School Night to inform parents and other family members of their school's participation in Title I programs, to explain Title I requirements, and to identify the right of the parents/guardians to be involved. All parents/guardians of these children will be encouraged to attend the meeting;
- Provide parents and other family members with timely information about programs, a description and explanation of the curriculum in use, the forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress, the achievement levels of the challenging state academic standards, and opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to participate in decisions relating to their child's education. The District will respond to any suggestions as soon as practicably possible;
- Help parents and other family members develop an understanding of topics such as state and local academic standards, state and local academic assessments, and monitoring a child's academic growth;
- Educate teachers and other professional support staff in the value of engaging parents and other family members in their children’s education, and in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents and other family members as equal partners in this process;
- Ensure that information related to school programs, meetings, and other activities is sent to the parents and other family members of participating children in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents/guardians can understand;
- Provide other reasonable support for engagement activities as parents or family members may request.
In carrying out these requirements, the District and its schools, to the extent practicable, will provide opportunities for the informed participation of all parents and other family members, including providing information and school reports in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language they understand.
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Tobacco/Substance Abuse Policy
Tobacco use shall not be permitted and no person shall use tobacco products or e-cigarettes on school grounds at any time. School grounds mean any building, structure, surrounding outdoor grounds and district vehicles.
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Tully Elementary Songs
Tully Elementary Pledge
Today, I will act in such a way that I will be proud of myself, and others will be proud of me, too.
I will do my best to learn, and I will treat others the way I want to be treated.
I will make it a great day.
Tully Elementary Alma Mater
This is Tully Elementary.
This is where we come to learn.
All we know and all we cherish
Wait at every hallway’s turn.
Teachers, students work together.
Here we seek to find the truth.
May we learn and grow together,
In our childhood and our youth.
Here we care about one another,
Sister, brother, teacher, friend.
May our knowledge and our caring
Guide us when our school year’s end!
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