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Clubs and Activities

Below is a list of clubs that elementary offers. Students may join clubs when they are offered.
Some clubs are offered to specific grade levels and are designated below.
Clubs meet during Activity Period at the end of the day. On some occasions, some may meet during the school day. If your child is interested in a certain club, please fill out the permission slip when offered.

Art Club (Grade 5) - Students will develop and refine their artistic talents and work on extended projects.

Character Club (Grade 5) - Students are recommended by their class to serve on this council. They will help make Character Education a part of the school through assemblies, displays, and spirit days.

Choral Groups (Grade 3-5) - Students can participate in select small-group and solo vocal opportunities beyond the grade-level choruses. 

Computer Science (Grade 5) - Students will have the opportunity to learn more about computers with an emphasis on coding.

Drama Club (Grade 5) - Students may audition to be part of the annual musical. This includes all students who have an interest in acting, stage crew, set design, and the technical aspects. Please note that rehearsals for evening performances take place after school.

Intramural Club (Grade 5) - Students will enjoy physical activities in a team fashion.

Jazz Band/Other Band Groups (Grade 5) - Students can participate in select small-group and solo band opportunities beyond the grade-level bands including jazz band.

Maker Club (Grade K-5) - Students will participate in a variety of STEAM activities including circuitry, engineering, robotics, rocketry, art, designing, and creating. Certain grade levels will be offered different opportunities throughout the year. 

Safety Patrol (Grade 5) - Students can participate in the AAA Safety Patrol to help ensure a safe arrival and dismissal each day for all TES students.

Yearbook Club (Grade 5) - Students help take photos and create the annual yearbook for all to enjoy. 

Below is a list of clubs that the junior-senior high school offers. Students may join clubs at the beginning of each school year.
Some clubs are offered to only JH or SH students and are designated below.
Many clubs meet during the Activity Period at the end of the day. Others meet outside of school hours.
If you are interested in a certain club, please seek out the advisor for information. 

Academic Decathlon (SH) - If you like Jeopardy! or trivia, this is the club for you. Learn lots of facts and put your brain to the test!

Art Club (JH/SH) - If you like creating art, you will enjoy being in art club. Enjoy making crafts and projects to take home!

Buddy Program (SH) - Do you want to be a role model for your younger peers? Do you want to work with the elementary students? If so, the Buddy Program may be for you!

Chamber Singers (SH) - Do you love to sing? Pair that with challenging music and amp up your singing skill!

Chess Club (JH/SH) - If you want to learn how to play chess or just refine your skills, you can join Chess Club and challenge others!

Community Wide Dialogue Exchange (SH) - If learning about the differences in local demographics interests you, join CWD! Interact with other school districts to learn about how diverse our area is and put yourself in others' shoes. Join the discussion!

Daneli Leadership (SH) - Do you want to be a leader among your peers? Do you want to learn to tap into your skills and use them for the betterment of your school community? Start training with Daneli! 

Digital Media (JH/SH) - Want to help with announcements? Ever wonder what it is like to be a news anchor or how it is to film the news? Join Digital Media to see yourself in the spotlight or behind the camera!

Drama/Musical (JH/SH) - Do you have a knack for acting or singing? Join the drama/musical of the year and shine on the stage!

Drama/Musical Crew (JH/SH) - Not interested in being in the limelight but like to organize and build? Being part of the crew lets you build, create, and work on the technical side of plays and musicals!

Environmental Club (JH/SH) - Are you interested in learning about or helping the environment? Join Environmental Club to give Mother Nature a hand!

FFA (JH/SH) - Interested in farming, animals, planting, leadership, and helping out your community? FFA combines a multitude of activities for our students to participate in. You may even find yourself traveling to compete, going to summer camp, and finding a group of like-minded friends. FFA isn't just a club, it's a lifestyle.

Genders and Sexualities Alliances (JH/SH) - Are you open-minded? Do you want equality for all? Join the GSA to bring awareness to our school community and beyond!

International Club (JH/SH) - Have you ever wondered what it's like outside of the US? Are you interested in learning about other countries? Join International Club to broaden your horizons!

Intramurals (6th Grade) - Do you have a lot of energy or like to play all sorts of sports? If so, you will like intramurals where you play gym games like flag football, extreme frisbee, and floor hockey.

Jazz Band (JH/SH) - Do you like jazz, blues, or rock music? Do you play an instrument? If so, you may find yourself enjoying the tunes Jazz Band has to offer!

Math League (JH) - Are numbers your thing? Do you like racing against the clock? Join Math League to compete against other schools and see how far the numbers can take you!

Mock Trial (SH) - Are you a detailed-oriented person and interested in a court of law? Maybe CSI or SVU is your jam. Join Mock Trial to be part of a prosecutorial/defendant team and test your ability in the courtroom. Work with a guest lawyer to build your case!

Model UN (SH) - Interested in debate? How about real-life issues or current events? Join a group of like-minded others to battle it out as a delegate of a specified country. Can you get everyone on board? 

National Junior Honor Society/National Honor Society (JH/SH) - Do you align with the five pillars of the honor societies? If you excel in character, citizenship, leadership, scholarship, and service, you are invited to apply for our chapter!

Prom Committee (SH) - Are you a junior? Do you want to help make your prom a night to remember? Join the Prom Committee to help manage the big and small details of prom!

Shakespeare Recitation (SH) - Where art thou Shakespeare lovers? Intrigued by monologuing or maybe the Montague's? Try your hand at reciting the works of Shakespeare with flare!

Spanish National Honor Society (SH) - Have you continued on in your Spanish language acquisition journey throughout your high school career and are enrolled in OCC Spanish? Do you excel in Spanish class? If so, you are invited to apply for our chapter!

Student Cabinet (JH/SH) - Do you want to your voice to be heard to better your school community? Work with the superintendent to implement changes that benefit all students!

Student Council (JH/SH) - Do you have school spirit? Are you interested in student government or want to make a change? If so, run for a student-elected position for your grade level!

Technology Club (JH/SH) - Do you like woodworking? Join Technology Club to work in the shop to create handmade projects!

Teen Institute (SH) - Do you like to help your younger peers? Are you a good role model? If so, you may be invited to join Teen Institute to become a student leader on campus!

Tri-M Music Honor Society (SH) - Do you excel in your music class? Are you interested in devoting your time to service through music? If so, you are invited to apply for our chapter!

Yearbook (SH) - Are you a scrap-booker at heart? Do you like to capture memories? Join the Yearbook staff to help create a book that holds memories for years to come!

*Please note that Tully students may participate in Interact, Robotics, and Ski Club as well, but they are not run by Tully CSD.
These clubs are considered "outside" clubs even though they may use our facilities or are advised by some of our teachers.
For information regarding the outside clubs, please contact the person that advises them. The Main Office can help you with the contact information for these advisors.

Interact (JH/SH) - Do you like helping others? Want to work closely with your community? If so, Interact is for you. Join a community of peers to make a difference in your community!

Robotics (JH/SH) - Are you interested in programming? Do you like robots? If so, try your hand at creating a robot to complete certain tasks and go up against other robots. Which robot will come out on top?

Ski Club (JH/SH) - Want to hit the ski slopes as much as possible? Join the Ski Club to enjoy all the mountain has to offer during the winter months!