Athletic Mission Statement
The mission of Tully School Athletic Program is to foster the quest for excellence by creating an educational and competitive experience within an atmosphere of sportsmanship. We strive to develop and realize individual and team potential by promoting high standards of competence, character, civility and citizenship.
The Tully Central School District understands that interscholastic athletics are a significant part of the educational process. The combination of academics and athletics enhances the quality of students' lives and expands their options for learning and personal growth. Athletics provide an educational opportunity in which students can learn essential life lessons beyond those that can be learned in an academic classroom.
The Tully Central School District believes that the essential requirements for teamwork, the mental and physical challenges of training and competition, and the experience of winning and losing graciously and respectfully are important life lessons in every student's developmental experience. These lessons will serve students well in the future.
Developing good character requires time and effort. Coaches, parents and other members of the school community will help students develop character by continually discussing, modeling and reinforcing the desired attitudes and beliefs over time.
The Tully Central School District also believes that participation on an athletic team or teams demands a commitment that involves both dedication and sacrifice. This is required not only of student athletes, but also coaches and parents.
This Athletic Code defines the mission, philosophy, goals and parameters of the program, and the following activities:
Pre-season Meeting - Coaches, parents and athletes discuss their expectations for the team and define success for the season ahead. Attendance is expected.In-season - physical and character training; striving for excellence in performance and attitude. Off-season encourage student athletes to maintain a high level of personal commitment to both physical and character development during their off-season.
Overall Athletic Program Goals
Therefore, the primary goals of the Tully School District Athletic Program are to:
- Promote personal improvement in skills, physical condition, knowledge of the sport and character-based participation.
- Promote programs of excellence which will accomplish the above and lead to success on and off the playing field.